Green M oms Network Week in Review
A lot of our bloggers have been writing about herbs and the different ways to use them. Therefore, this week our week in review is going to be herbal themed! Enjoy these great posts on herbal diy recipes and benefits of herbs!
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Ever wonder why plants have botanical names? Herbal Academy of New England explains why we should learn botanical names.
Plantain is a great healing herb. Scratch Momy shares how to make a plantain slave!
Weve all heard that garlic is great for our health. The Crunchy Chronicles shares how to use garlic for healing.
The Homesteading Hippy has a great comfrey salve recipe which is great for bumps, bruises, and sprains.
This DIY muscle mender oil and salve from The Hippy Homemaker is a great way to make use of herbs!