Important Points To Keep In Mind Before Proceeding To Hair Transplant

Hair transplants can have both financial and psychological consequences. Since these transplants are considered cosmetic, they usually aren’t covered by health insurance. You’ll need to pay out of pocket for them. A transplant that goes badly can lead to some detrimental issues, such as depression and anxiety. For both of these reasons, you need to be completely prepared – both mentally and physically – before choosing to have the procedure done. Here are some important points to keep in mind while making this decision.
The Reason For Your Hair Loss
While hair transplants are complete elective procedures, meaning that you don’t need to undergo one unless you really want to, it helps to know whether or not the odds of success are in your favor. It all comes down to the reason for your hair loss. If you have Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, then a hair transplant is a great, permanent option, that tends to have excellent results.
Your Age Matters As Well
At The Canadian Hair Transplant Centre, we see patients of all ages. However, the younger you are, the better your results will be. By the time most men turn 25, their patterns of natural hair loss are obvious. They also tend to have more hair to harvest from the backs of their heads in order to transplant onto the thinning areas. It almost goes without saying that the younger you are, the faster your healing will go as well. This doesn’t mean that older men can’t have the procedure – far from it.
Will An Alternative Method Work?
Before undergoing a hair transplant, you should consider trying a different medical option. There are some that have been approved by the appropriate governmental bodies that are quite effective. In fact, some of these medical treatments have improved hair loss by up to 80%. They are viable options, albeit non-permanent ones. The only true permanent solution to hair loss is a transplant.
The Overall Costs
We’ve already stated that hair transplants aren’t cheap. You need to look at what’s involved with one in order to fully understand the price. There will be up to 18 different people in the surgical suite with you – surgeons, nurses, technicians, and other medical professionals. These procedures also take some time to complete, as the hair follicles need to be grafted on individually. As you can imagine, this isn’t easy or inexpensive.
Types Of Transplants
There are two main types of hair transplants. One requires the surgeon to remove individual follicles, while the other starts with a strip of excised scalp that’s broken down into those individual follicles. The type that you choose depends on the patterns of your hair loss, as well as how much hair remains on your head.
Overall, hair transplants have a success rate of between 95 and 98%, as long as the patient is a nonsmoker. Hopefully, this cleared up some of the mysteries about this procedure!