Air Conditioning While Dealing with Allergies

Allergies are a very common problem, one that can be exacerbated by your air conditioner. The constant flow of pollen, dirt, dander, and more flowing through your home can leave you feeling miserable. So how can one allergy-proof one’s air conditioner to allow for a more comfortable home? Thankfully, there are many tried and true methods for allergy-proofing your home.
Maintain Humidity Levels
One factor that can determine the allergen levels within your home are the humidity levels of your home. There is a sweet spot for humidity that helps to minimize the number of allergens in the air. Too low and you’ll be dealing with things like dust and pollen, while having humidity levels too high can promote the growth and transmission of mold and pathogens.
Air conditioning systems are usually more than capable of dehumidifying the air, so you may wish to invest in a home humidifier. These humidifiers can help increase the amount of humidity in the air and help to counter the spread of dust, pollen, and dander.
Utilize Air Purifiers
Having an air purifier installed can help remove more allergens from the air. If allergies are a consistent problem having an air purifier installed in the duct work can do wonders to remove these allergens before they have a chance to enter the home. Spring for higher end purifiers if allergies are a consistent problem. These air purifiers utilize high-quality HEPA filters to help ensure that your air quality is at its maximum.
Maintain High-Quality Air Filters
A corollary to the above – make sure you are using the best quality air filters. While lower quality filters may suffice for most, allergy sufferers should spring for the higher quality filters. Though the cost is greater, the cost of allergy medication over time is higher than making sure you utilize the best filters.
You also need to properly maintain these air filters. Ensure you properly clean and maintain the filters for your home air conditioning system, and replace them on a regular basis as they age. Filters become less effective over time, so proper maintenance is key to making sure allergens do not slip through the screen.
Keep the Ductwork Clean
If you’re using a central air conditioning system then make sure your ductwork is properly cleaned on a regular basis as well. Cleaning out vents on room air conditioning units is also essential to maintaining the necessary indoor air quality. Keeping the ductwork clean is an essential element to keeping your home free of allergens.
The ductwork can be the more difficult part of air conditioner to clean, so it tends to be one of the more neglected areas. Making use of qualified professionals can help keep the ducts of your home clean and free of debris. You can generally tell if dust is a problem in your ducts if it accumulates on vents at an unusual rate.
Cleanliness is a Function of Maintenance
Ultimately, just remember that the cleanliness of your air conditioning unit is a consequence of how well maintained it is. The use of air purifiers and high quality filters are necessary, but regular cleanings and making sure your unit remains operational is a key part to maintaining the indoor air quality of your home. This, in turn, helps to reduce your allergic reactions. Furthermore, keeping the air conditioning system operational will help keep humidity levels down and keep the air in your home cycling throughout the house.
Consulting with a qualified HVAC technician such as Adams AC can help guarantee against your air conditioner being a factor in upset allergies and lead to a happier, more comfortable home.