Breastfeeding Hacks

Breastfeeding may be natural but it does not always mean that it’s the easiest or most comfortable thing to do. Your nipples get sore, baby pulls on your hair while feeding and some days you may completely forget which breast they nursed on last. Here are some handy tips you can use for when you are out and about or just needing some extra pain relief.
Native to the foothills of the Himalayas, this superfood is bound to kill two birds with one stone when it comes to nutrition and increased production of breastmilk. By simply adding a few spoonfuls of moringa powder to your meals, you will drastically increase the antibody and nutritional value of your breast milk which is exactly what a growing infant needs. Moringa has 4 times more protein than what you would find in eggs, 25 times more iron than spinach, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots and 17 times more calcium than what you would get from milk and that’s only a few values we just named. Not only does this incredible superfood support your infant’s developing immune system but it also helps to increase your breast milk supply by almost double. Moringa is a natural galactagogue meaning that it promotes milk flow the safe and natural way. You can find out about the various uses and benefits of moringa here on Mommy Authority.
Nappy Rash Cream
For those dry cracked nipples, look no further than the rash cream you are using for your baby. It is extremely hydrating and is a natural astringent which helps to soothe and moisturize dry cracked nipples but it doesn’t have to end there. Cracked heels, dry lips, itchy stretch marks, insect bites or even a shaving rash is no match for diaper rash cream.
Invest In A Nursing Necklace
Babies’ minds are like sponges, absorbing every touch, sound and movement that goes on around them, this also means they get distracted easily. When you are breastfeeding you may find a few fingers up your nose, a clump of hair in a tight clasp or a restless baby that takes a few gulps here and there in between looking around and wriggling. Investing in a nursing necklace may just be the solution for you. They are usually bulky and colorful with a few rings attached. They are either made from silicone, big wooden beads or material. This necklace helps to keep your fidgeting baby occupied while feeding and some of them make a great statement accessory for any outfit.
Safety Pins
Safety pins are a great way of marking which breast you fed with last. It’s cheaper than buying breast markers and works just as well. Once you have completed a feed, use the safety pin to mark the bra strap on the side you fed with last.
Have A Kit Handy
Some days we sit down and start to feed and often forget to get some water or have a snack during the feeding time. Prepare a kit that you can keep close by for every time you feed. Pack nursing pads, wet wipes, a snack, a water bottle and your safety pin. Having a shawl is also not a bad idea for when you are in public or need to cover up a leak stain!
Two Shirt Hack
Instead of spending extra cash on breastfeeding tops, try wearing a tank top under your regular top. This will help to keep you covered during feeds in public. Simply lift up your blouse, position your baby for a feed and pull the tank top below your breast. This way your stomach stays covered and you don’t need to worry about exposing yourself or covering yourself and your baby with a shawl or blanket on those hot days.
Invest In A Breastfeeding Pillow
No matter how old your baby is, your arms will get tired. Breastfeeding pillows also give your baby the support they need while feeding, it also helps to free up your hands so you can eat your snacks, drink your water and clean up any spills. There are a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors available on the market designed to give your baby the best support and latching comfort.