Easiest Ways to Stay in Shape during the Holidays

The holiday season is upon is, and you may be already feeling those few extra pounds around your waistline. But what if we told you that there’s no need to worry about losing your shape this season? The good news is that you can indulge in the delights of the season while also maintaining a strong and healthy fitness routine without too much of a hassle. Here are a few ways to keep yourself fit, trim, and in shape throughout the holiday season.
1. Stay active. Try not to sit for longer hours without standing up and taking a walk every hour or so. Sitting around with friends around a dinner table could be as bad as that of the 9 to 5 job. Before grabbing another glass of wine to sit by the fireplace and chat, instead suggest a brisk walk outside to keep energy levels high and to burn off some extra calories. Your waistline, along with your friends, will thank you!
2. Exercise. It might start out difficult, but keeping up with an exercise routine amidst the craziness of the holiday season is the surest way to keep those extra pounds off. We know holidays are full of social commitments, but don’t forget to dedicate some hours to yourself and your health. In the end, you’ll probably be looking forward to that hour or so a day where you get to work on yourself! If you’re working on gaining muscles, try out some testosterone supplements to give your gym routine an extra kick. Working out truly helps you to detox and keeps in you shape during such demanding times.
3. Sleep adequately. We all know the hectic schedules of shopping, cooking, socializing, and organizing events during the festivities. But you must make sure to get at least sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night or it all may come crumbling down. If you can, try to take a quick afternoon nap to add some more energy into your evening. Remember that the more sleep you get at night, the more enjoyable and exciting your days will be.
4. Hydrate. Your lifestyle during the holidays will become a bit different and there’s no denying that. Having said that, you should not forget to drink sufficient water during such a demanding time. Make sure to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to keep yourself energized. Water also helps to stave off hunger, which will help keep you from getting second helpings at the dinner table. If you’re drinking with friends, always remember to replenish yourself with water at the end of the night to avoid a troublesome morning.
5. Choice of alcohol. During the holidays, alcohol is often flowing in abundance, and it’s hard not to overindulge in it. Bear in mind that one large glass of wine carries 160 calories, one beer has 180 calories, and single shot of vodka has 55 calories. After a few hours of drinking, you can consume hundreds of empty calories without even realizing! Limit yourself to just a few drinks a night, and avoid sugar mixed drinks if you can, especially if you didn’t mix them yourself.