Four Top Brain Foods that Will Help You Concentrate and Focus on Your Healthcare Degree

Deciding to go for your dream and work towards earning a degree is a big step in any person’s life. If you decided that an online master of healthcare administration in strategy and innovation was the right move for your future, then there’s a good chance you are already knee-deep in the rather immersive program.
With that said, you need to make the very best of your studying time and ensure you’re taking away all the key points from the content. That can be hard to do when you live a busy life, are rushing from one task to the next, and feeling low on energy. Rather than just do you best to try to get by, here’s a look at four top brain foods that will help you concentrate and focus on your online MHA degree through a top school like the University of Cincinnati.
While this first item isn’t technically a “food”, it is a beverage and it does offer a couple of huge benefits for your brain. Coffee contains both antioxidants and caffeine, which have very positive effects on your brain. It is believed that because of the antioxidants found in the coffee, when you drink it long-term you can help to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurological diseases. At the same time, the caffeine works to boost your mood and alertness.
Fatty fish such as sardines, trout, and salmon are absolutely packed full of omega-3 fatty acids. So, what’s so important about omega-3? Well your brain is actually 60% fat, and of that, 30% is that same omega-3 fat that you find in fatty fish. You are essentially feeding your brain with what it needs to improve and build nerve and brain cells. These cells are used in memory, focus, and learning.
Blueberries are considered a superfood which means they offer an incredible amount of health benefits. Improving one’s memory and concentration levels is just the tip of the iceberg with these little goodies. Studies have shown that blueberries are able to protect your brain from some of the effects of aging by reducing the amount of oxidative stress. Blueberries have also been shown to improve the motor skills and learning capacity in animal studies on rats. In other words, it’s time to add these to your diet.
Wholegrains work a bit differently than some of these other brain foods. Wholegrains work to give the body a steady supply of energy. When you think about it, it’s impossible to function and concentrate if you don’t have enough energy. Wholegrains work to slowly release glucose in the bloodstream, which then gives you that boost of alertness all day long.
Feed Your Brain What it Needs
While getting enough rest and exercising regularly help to keep you energized, feeding your brain what it needs also goes a long way in helping to improve your concentration and focus levels, which in turn allows you to study more effectively.