How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

According to a special report shared by the United Nations in 2018, we only have 12 years to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degree centigrade. If we fail to control our carbon footprint and contribute to this rise in temperature, then it would open doors to a plethora of catastrophes including but not limited to drought, floods and extreme heat all over the world.
In order to make sure that we are doing our part in averting this disaster of epic proportions, we have to take proper steps to limit our personal carbon footprint. If all of us come together and contribute to the cause, we would be able to leave a better place for our children and younger generations – where they won’t have to fight for their survival.
Here are a few steps to take around your house to limit your carbon footprint.
Turn Off the Lights
One of the most common suggestions to limiting your carbon footprint on the planet is to use as less electricity as possible. It is because renewable and clean energy across the globe is a dream that is yet to be achieved.
Until then, we have to make sure that we are only using only as much electricity as we need. Not contributing to greenhouse gases with harmful energy production goes a long way.
By turning off the lights in your home in the evening and only using lighting where you need it, you can ensure to achieve this goal with ease.
Switch to Energy Efficient Fixtures
Another way to effectively limit your carbon footprint is by installing energy efficient fixtures around your house.
Replacing old boilers around your house can go a long way. This is because newer models that are built with energy efficiency in mind actively use lesser energy, which cuts your carbon footprint without you having to do anything on a day to day basis.
Reliable companies such as Viessmann are known to provide energy efficient boiler solutions that can be installed easily.

Make Your House to Be More Eco Friendly
While this may seem like a daunting suggestion, it is actually not that stressful when you look at the bigger picture. By making your home more environmentally friendly, you actually go on to save a fortune on energy costs.
If possible, invest in larger windows that let plenty of sunlight into your house. Use energy efficient roofing solutions such as metal roofing to keep your home’s temperature under control. Make sure that your house is protected with thermal insulation, which also helps in controlling your home’s internal temperature.
By taking these steps, you can make sure to cut down your carbon footprint by a large margin before it’s too late. Follow the hashtag #HowMuchCO2 on social media for more tips on how to leave a better world for our children.