Maintaining Your Youth As Long As Possible

With every passing minute, we all get a little older. When it’s our kids, it’s heartbreaking because we just want them to stay little. When it’s ourselves, we struggle because we just want to hold on to our health and happiness and to look young for as long as possible.
Of course, we can’t stop kids from growing up, but we can definitely do some things to extend the length of time that we look and feel our best. The important thing to understand is that we have to start these steps while we’re still young–in other words, at the time in life when we don’t think that much about growing old.
Look at aging prevention in these key areas, and do what it takes to stay on top of the things that want to sap your youth.
Avoiding Abuse
As immortal as we feel in our teens and twenties, the reality is that we can write checks then that our 50-year-old bodies won’t be able to cash. Many times it’s simply hard work–time spent in the sun without sufficient protection, tough manual labor that breaks down joints. Other times it’s substance abuse; alcohol and drugs can do long-term damage to body systems that will catch up with us in old age, so it’s important for those of us with a problem to see what alcohol rehab St Louis has to offer.
Eating Right
Of course, a poor diet can be just as serious a form of abuse of our bodies as many others. A youth full of carbs, fats, and processed foods will do nothing but run up the tab that our middle age must pay. Eating clean is essential, and whether you choose a raw diet, organic approach, or local-food solution, you should never neglect to consider what you are eating. A clean diet will control your weight, improve your cardiovascular health, ward of diabetes, and keep your digestive system clean and healthy.
Staying Active
Eight- and ten-hour days at a desk don’t seem like much of a problem in our youth, but they can really impact us down the road. A sedentary lifestyle often develops from a sedentary career, so if you have no choice but to work a desk job, you must be prepared to make up for that at quitting time. Park in the farthest reaches of the office lot so kick-start your activity after work, and then keep it going. Inactivity leads to weight gain, circulatory problems, and stiff joints, so it’s essential to get regular exercise.
See The Doctor
Most of us have the wrong idea of the purpose of going to the doctor. Sure, you should go when something is wrong, but you should also pay a visit to your practitioner when you aren’t sick. Regular checkups can spot everything from hypertension to diabetes, long before they are irreversible and easily in time for you to resolve them without drastic adjustments and, best of all, without medication.
We all just want to feel good and look good as we age. We want to avoid those premature crow’s feet, aching joints, and cabinets full of medication. It’s not about vanity, it’s about the quality of life, and we can achieve that goal if we decide early on that we want to follow that path. With some simple, sustainable changes now, we can really improve the way our future looks.