Reasons For Embracing Capillary Matting as A Watering Method

As we continue to experience eco-degradation at a very high rate, it is becoming of utmost and absolute importance to come up with better and more efficient eco-methods. One such solution is the capmat or capillary matting method; a product that’s become quite popular.
The capmat watering method, especially prominent in the horticultural industry, works via capillary action. Pots are placed on a wet mat and through capillary, the water is sucked up from the mat through the pot to the top. The growing roots take advantage of this and absorb the moisture from the mat as they grow. The water taken in through the roots is distributed to other parts of the plant. This method conserves water significantly and is very useful to plants that have water intolerant leaves like gloxinias and Africa violets.
The capillary matting watering method is particularly important in eliminating leaf spotting. This is usually an important factor in preserving certain types of plants. Hand watering from above can have detrimental effects such as leaf spotting on some plants. The capmat system relies primarily on a multipurpose non-woven fabric that is kept saturated by a consistent watering system. It has been recommended that a plastic is installed under the fabric to further aid the trapping of water and moisture circulation. Holding or supporting the potted plants is one of the major reasons why a non-woven fabric is utilized. Additionally, capmat is unaffected by chemicals, mildew or rot making it a perfect and eco-friendly watering method.
Furthermore, capmat bolsters the uniform growth of plants because the mat absorbs and distributes the water evenly. This not only helps the plants but also helps in conserving water. It truly is an innovative method crucial to maintaining an eco-friendly environment. Moreover, capmat can be adjusted to fit your needs; it’s not a rigid method that can only work one way but rather a flexible and productive method. For instance, some growers have discovered that 4-inch pots work better than flat pots, they absorb water much better. The capmat, being adaptable, is able to accommodate different pot sizes.
One issue that has been noted is the growth of algae under the mats. Although complaints have been lodged about this, a feasible solution has been found through pest control and regular cleaning of the mats. Effective pesticides like ZeroTol have also been recommended because they can be injected into the irrigation system.
The capmat watering system is very effective, eco-friendly and comes highly recommended.