Recommendations For Lifelong Foot Health
Our feet are way down there on our bodies and often out of sight and out of mind. But just one minor problem in that area can negatively affect our quality of life so much!
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. We have before us a wealth of information and resources available online. Here are three ways you can take care of your feet properly today:
Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help
When an issue develops, even a minor one, don’t ignore it, whatever you do. It’s always a good idea to consult an orthopedic doctor right away, no matter how insignificant you think the issue is. Nipping some issues in the bud can save you a world of pain, stress, lost productivity, and high medical costs further down the road. Remember, these people are experts for a reason. They’re very good at helping people like you, no matter what the problem is.
Don’t Wear Cushioned Sneakers
There are some exceptions to this rule of course. If you’re playing in the NBA, you probably need all the cushion you can get on those soles. But the rest of us not only don’t need the cushion, rather we really need to reconnect with the ground.
Cushioned shoes may actually be dangerous, and not just for running either. If you lift weights or even do things such as bodyweight squats, shoes with too much cushioning can be taking away needed support and badly affecting your form, which could lead to problems in the short and the long term. Consider minimalist shoes, since most gyms understandably aren’t going to let you work out barefoot –– nor would it be a good idea if they did!
Stretch Them!
Feet have many different types of tissues in them: bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and also lots of muscles. These muscles need to be exercised just like any other type of muscle. Mistreating them will lead to balled-up tension in the muscles, which will then translate into further imbalances in that area.
Start with the old faithful, the runner’s stretch, and then focus on the foot itself. The foot is full of pressure points, and activating them not only releases tension in the foot area, but can have positive effects all through the body.