Top Tips To Increase Your Energy
As a mom, especially when you are a stay-at-home mom, you may often wake up feeling completely depleted of energy. Possibly, the baby kept you up all night or maybe you were up at night preparing things for the kids’ backpacks while the whole family slept. The point is you are waking up feeling exhausted and by the time night comes you feel completely finished. So how exactly can you lift your energy and therefore lead a more productive (and fun!) life? Let’s look at a few things that are there to support energy levels.
It’s hard these days to get all our nutrients from food alone. Supplements and vitamins have been around for a long time to give us a boost for different needs. Now, in our very modern age, there are supplements on the market that give more than just a boost. They provide for different needs in very specific categories such as brain boosters and metabolic influencers that speed up our metabolism. To take a peek at a bunch of amazing supplements that will change your health and give you more energy check out these Research Verified reviews here.
It sounds strange but doing exercise, which can exhaust you at first, actually gives your body a lot of energy in the long run. It pumps your body with feel good endorphins and gets your heart pumping faster and your blood moving. It makes you feel healthier, stronger and more in tune with your body. If you are a stay-at-home mom and can’t leave to do a class at the gym, there are thousands of workouts you can literally do just by switching on your TV or computer at home and follow on YouTube. Just cleaning up the house daily burns many calories too. Keep it up and you will feel the boost in energy you receive daily!
You know that feeling after sitting down and eating a really big meal at a restaurant? That feeling of lethargy? It takes the body huge amounts of energy to digest a meal (that’s why we are told never to swim straight after eating). Instead of doing that to your system, eat food that is easier to digest such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables. In fact, it can take your body from 24-72 hours just to digest red meat alone! No wonder you are feeling depleted of energy the day after a heavy meal. Try lay off the beef and stick to proteins like chicken breasts and even better – fish. If you need a caffeine boost stick to healthy forms of caffeine such as green tea. Coffee never really works at it is laden with milk and sugar and is more like a ‘treat’ than a caffeine boost that is good for you in the long run. Believe it or not, drinking water also gives a nice energy boost.
Final Thought
Just remember to get enough sleep every day and start following the top tips above to help re-energize you! Go ahead, have more energy. You and your family will appreciate it!