Working From Home vs The Office, Which is Better?

Within today’s ever-connected world, the days of dial-up internet have been replaced by hi-tech broadband systems, intranets and shared document applications. These resources have made it easier to take your work away from the office desk, allowing for benefits such as flexible working hours and working from home.
There are certain types of professions that are place-specific, these are usually customer or client facing and will mean employees must be in a certain place in order to perform their working role, Doctors, dentists and teachers are among many roles this applies to.
With many businesses yet to take the plunge and allow for remote working, we’ve decided, with the help of to give some insight on both options.
Improved productivity working independently
Working within a busy office will often lead to many distractions, the constant hustle and bustle of office life, telephones constantly ringing, colleagues chatting amongst themselves, and the flurry of people walking around desks leads to you lifting your head up from your screen more times than you’ll care to remember.
Although it is healthy to have a designated breaks to take time away from looking at your computer screen.With a big project on, or a piece of work that may require more concentration than usual, the less distractions the better. The quiet surroundings of your own home would, therefore, be a welcomed escape.
Plan for the unexpected
The ability to work from home can be a great option for working parents, take a look at this video by furniture at work and see just how, the option to work from home can be a great addition for your family during those unexpected circumstances that every parent will experience.
The added benefit of not having to complete your commute to and from the office will also allow for more time to be spent with your loved ones.
Never miss a moment
Despite the up-to-date equipment available allowing for a constant stream of communication with your coworkers when working from home. Office life, will offer you the chance of unexpected meetings, casual conversations that turn into your next great idea and the ability to socialise with your colleagues leading to building lasting working relationships.
Never miss opportunities for development or guidance
While working remotely will ensure you build up your skills to work off your own initiative, working within the office will mean, whenever you need guidance, you can quickly see if the person you require is available. Working from home, sending emails could see you waiting around for a response.
As expected, there are benefits to both working from home and working in the office, and a healthy balance of the both will see a more productive, engaged workforce.
Where do you prefer to spend your working days? Join in the conversation using #OfficeJoys and share your story.