Top Technologies in Modern-Day Healthcare

Some of the most advanced technologies of the modern day (that are less well known) include these very effective treatments for a whole host of things.
The first port of call with any issue has to be diet and good food together with additional vitamins and minerals and clean water. It has always been suggested to do lots of research into what your body may be lacking as if not this can lead to all kinds of health issues in the long run. Some of the main things today include magnesium, potassium and iodine. To start with as most people are deficient in these “big three.” If you are on a good diet there are always things you can do to enhance your bodily functions such as boosting your immune system etc.
Some of the additional system boosters include:
Testosterone – Is essential for muscle building and healthy blood balance.
Whey protein – Derived mainly from milk products branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).
caffeine and/or creatine – Help to stimulate adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
thermogenics – Help to increase the body temperature helping to burn fats.
Nootropics – Help to increase brain function.
Proteins – Blend of vitamins and minerals to increase muscle mass and overall health.
Supplements are a great way to boost the immune system and keep your body healthy. These lesser know additions are seldom described by medical doctors and are also not that well studied for the most part in general unless you are “in the know.” Many athletes and other professionals use these to increase performance as a rule and some of the best on the market can be sourced from These guys know a lot about nutrients and are some of the best in the business.
With healthcare being rapidly pushed to the top of the agenda these days there are some lesser known technologies on the market and we will look into some of the top most effective ones here starting with energy medicine and the Pain Genie. This small handheld device is one of the most effective units on the market today. It works by both identifying and then removing energetic blockages in the body which as a result alleviates the pain associated with the blockage at its core.
The unit is basically, rubbed over the skin at the area of the pain where it sticks to the area where there is a problem by means of an energetic impulse delivered by an electrode on one side of the device. The signal is sent into the outer epidermis of the skin then reacts to the returning signal to detect the area of concern.
The unit couples both electrical signals and what can be described as “nerve impulses” to determine where the “Asymmetry” is which is causing the pain. Once it is located the treatment can begin to remove it by means of rubbing the unit over the surface of the skin which then results in the energetic blockage being removed allowing the body’s own energy to flow again and the consequential pain will then subside.
Q1000 Low-level laser device
The Q1000 low-level laser is another energy medicine device which is also very effective on the body for many ailments. This unit acts by sending information into the skin and muscle tissue to re-pattern the muscle memory of the area it is being used upon. The body often feels pain due to an imbalance in the body and this device helps to remove the blockage especially over a long period of treatments.
Closer research into the device proves there are many areas where this can help and the device has several settings to address different issues in the body from muscle tension to heart problems and even gout. This device is not very well known but highly effective for health issues across the board as is the majority of energetic medicine.
Quote: FACT: The Q100 and Q1000 laser’s patent-pending process computerizes each unit’s frequency and power density output, effectively “piggybacking” the beneficial effects of the visible light onto the penetrating effects of the invisible light. This feature is unique to the Q100 and Q1000 lasers!
“The Q1000 is the most sophisticated, advanced, effective and affordable low-level laser of its kind ever made for the mass market.”
Another lesser-known technology is the PEMF mat. This is one of the latest technologies that can help with many illnesses and issues in the body today. As we point out here there are in fact several lesser know technological devices that can be used to treat all manner of problems on both the long and short term reducing the debilitating effects for many people but they do require some research to be done to ascertain what can be used for what problem in depth.
Energy medicine is a specialist field but encompasses many aspects of today’s health issues. It is always prudent to contact a specialist in these fields before using any of these and always be sure to do your research into the issue you are trying to resolve before attempting to start your own treatments.
We hope you found this information helpful and please follow up on any of the technologies mentioned here to gain a better understanding.